mortality rate
Explanation 用語の説明
ある国・地域において1年間にどのくらいの人が亡くなるかを示す値。通常は人口1,000人または100,000人に対する死亡者数で示される。単純に全人口中にどのくらいの死亡者がいたかを示すものを粗死亡率(crude death rate)というが、粗死亡率は年齢構成の影響を受けるので、高齢化が進む国では高めの数値が出るなどの傾向があり、そのままでは医療・保健サービスの質を測る指標としては用いられない。したがって、死亡率を示すときは、child mortality rate(子どもの死亡率)や adult mortality rate(成人の死亡率)、あるいは cancer mortality rate(がん死亡率)など、範囲を限定して示すことが多い。
Example 用例
The adult mortality rate shown in the World Development Indicators (WDI) database and related products refers to the probability that those who have reached age 15 will die before reaching age 60 (shown per 1,000 persons). In other words, a value of 150 means that out of 1,000 persons who have reached age 15, 150 are expected to die before reaching age 60, and 850 are expected to survive to age 60. This is based on a “synthetic cohort”: current life-table mortality rates are applied to the current cohort of 15 year olds, assuming no changes in mortality.(The World Bank "What is the definition of adult mortality?"より)
The positive effect of education on reducing all-cause adult mortality is known; however, the relative magnitude of this effect has not been systematically quantified. The aim of our study was to estimate the reduction in all-cause adult mortality associated with each year of schooling at a global level.(IHME-CHAIN Collaborators (2024) "Effects of education on adult mortality: a global systematic review and meta-analysis"より)
Related terms 関連する用語
perinatal mortality (rate)(周産期死亡(率))
neonatal mortality (rate)(新生児の死亡(率))
child mortality (rate)(子どもの死亡(率))
adult mortality (rate)(成人の死亡(率))
Useful references 見てみよう・読んでみよう
厚生労働省「令和4年(2022)人口動態統計月報年計(概数)の概況 」
Statista "Global adult mortality rate from 1990 to 2021, by gender"
Dig deeper 知識・考えを深めよう
Q1: What factors influence adult mortality rate?
Q2: You can see that the gap between the adult male mortality rate and the adult female mortality rate is significantly large in some countries. Discuss the reason(s) for this gap.
参考資料:WHO "Adult mortality rate (probability of dying between 15 and 60 years per 1000 population)"