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contagious/communicable diseases

Explanation 用語の説明

感染症(infectious diseases)のうち、人から人へと感染するものをとくに伝染病(contagious/communicable disease)という。例えば、食中毒もインフルエンザも病原体が体内に入ることによって感染するが、食中毒は他の人には感染しないため、infectious disease ではあるが contagious disease ではない。一方、インフルエンザの場合はウイルスがある人から別の人へと渡り感染が広がる可能性があるので、infectious disease であり contagious disease でもある。日本ではそれまでの伝染病予防法に代わり1999年に感染症法が施行されて以降、伝染病という用語はあまり使われなくなり、感染症という用語が伝染病も含めて用いられることが多くなった(福井県医師会ウェブサイトによる)。

Example 用例

Contagious diseases (such as the flu, colds, or strep throat) spread from person to person in several ways. One way is through direct physical contact, like touching or kissing a person who has the infection. Another way is when an infectious microbe travels through the air after someone nearby sneezes or coughs.


Sometimes people get contagious diseases by touching or using something an infected person has touched or used — like sharing a straw with someone who has mono or stepping into the shower after someone who has athlete's foot. And sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are spread through all types of sex — oral, anal, or vaginal.


You can help protect yourself against contagious diseases by washing your hands well and often, staying away from those who are sick, making sure you're up to date on all vaccinations, and always using condoms during any type of sex.(Memours Children's Health "What's the Difference Between Infectious and Contagious?"より)

Related terms 関連する用語

infectious diseases(感染症)

noncommunicable diseases(非感染性疾患)

sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)(性感染症)

Useful references 見てみよう・読んでみよう

Memours Children's Health "What's the Difference Between Infectious and Contagious?"

WHO "Health topics"(ここから"Filter by type"でcommunicable diseasesを選ぶと、さまざまな感染症の解説が見られる)

Dig deeper 知識・考えを深めよう

Q1: Research the prevalence of several contagious diseases in terms of areas, time periods, and numbers of patients.



Q2: What factors affect the prevalence of contagious diseases?


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